How old is Ruel?
Ruel was born on 29 October 2002.
Ruel is 22 years old.
How old is Ruel in days now?
Ruel is 22 years 4 months 6 days old.
Total 8,165 days old now.
When is the next birthday of Ruel?
Ruel's next birthday is in 7 months 22 days.
What is the zodiac sign of Ruel?
Zodiac sign of Ruel is Scorpio.
Ruel is a young and extremely promising pop, soul, and R&B singer. Born Ruel Vincent van Dijk in 2002 in Isleworth, the UK, he spent his childhood in Australia, alongside his two sisters. His mother is British and his father is a New Zealander. Ruel was very much keen on music since he was a child and learned to play piano, guitar, and harmonica at an early age. He wrote his first song when he was only 12 years old and he was a young teenager when he first recorded his signing for the local radio station. In 2017 Ruel joined a tour with Julia and Angus Stone, so they performed all around Australia and New Zealand. Next year he released his first single titled "Don't Tell Me" and it attracted wide public attention. In particular, it was covered by Sir Elton John. In summer 2018 Ruel released his first EP titled Ready which contained his best hits, and in summer 2019 his second EP Free Time came out. He has a few social media channels and is very popular among Australian and British young fans.