How old is Sigourney Weaver?

Sigourney Weaver was born on 8 October 1949.
Sigourney Weaver is 75 years old.

How old is Sigourney Weaver in days now?

Sigourney Weaver is 75 years 3 months 29 days old.
Total 27,515 days old now.

When is the next birthday of Sigourney Weaver?

Sigourney Weaver's next birthday is in 8 months 2 days.

What is the zodiac sign of Sigourney Weaver?

Zodiac sign of Sigourney Weaver is Libra.

Sigourney Weaver is a prominent American actress who became well known for her role in Alien and Ghostbusters. She was born in 1949 in New York, to the family of actors, and her acting debut took place in 1977, in Woody Allen's comedy "Annie Hall". Shortly after she delivered an amazing performance in Alien of Ridley Scott, which made Sigourney famous all over the world. In 1984 she appeared in one more successful movie Ghostbusters with Bill Murray and Dan Aykroyd which became a sensation. In 1988 she took part in two excellent movies Working Girl (with Melanie Griffith and Harrison Ford) and Gorillas in the Mist where she played the lead role. In 1997, for her stunning performance in a drama movie The Ice Storm, she received a BAFTA Award. Sigourney Weaver is known as a wonderful actress for sci-fi genre and there are plenty of sci-fi movies among her latest works including Futurama, WALL-E, Finding Dory, etc. She is an honored and very talented stage actress who appeared plenty of time on the Broadway stage. She is married to a theater director Jim Simpson and they have a daughter.

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