How old is Snoop Dogg?
Snoop Dogg was born on 20 October 1971.
Snoop Dogg is 53 years old.
How old is Snoop Dogg in days now?
Snoop Dogg is 53 years 3 months 18 days old.
Total 19,469 days old now.
When is the next birthday of Snoop Dogg?
Snoop Dogg's next birthday is in 8 months 13 days.
What is the zodiac sign of Snoop Dogg?
Zodiac sign of Snoop Dogg is Libra.
Snoop Dogg is a very well known American rapper, musician, actor, producer, and TV personality. He was born as Calvin Cordozar Broadus in Long Beach and began his career in the early 1990s as a young rapper. His first solo album found the first place in Billboard 200 and became 4 times platinum selling one million during the first 7 days after its release. The second album was 2 times platinum, and the three following ones were a bit less successful. In total, Snoop Dogg has recorded 18 solo albums, with various studios and producers. He is also famous for his collaborations with other musicians, with many of those being quite far from hip-hop style. In 2014, Snoop Dogg changed his name to Snoop Lion and started being focused on more reggae related music. He has also a few interesting cinema acting examples, including Starsky and Hutch, Training Day, Half Baked, etc. Snoop Lion has a very active social position and is involved in plenty of projects related to charity, politics, social issues, sports, etc. He is married to Shante Taylor, a businesswoman, and the couple has 4 children.