How old is Sophia Lillis?

Sophia Lillis was born on 13 February 2002.
Sophia Lillis is 23 years old.

How old is Sophia Lillis in days now?

Sophia Lillis is 23 years 22 days old.
Total 8,423 days old now.

When is the next birthday of Sophia Lillis?

Sophia Lillis's next birthday is in 11 months 6 days.

What is the zodiac sign of Sophia Lillis?

Zodiac sign of Sophia Lillis is Aquarius.

Sophia Lillis is a young talented American actress who has recently risen to fame with her amazing performance in a horror movie It. Born in 2002 in Brooklyn NYC, Sophia grew up alongside her twin brother Jake. Unfortunately, their parents divorced but Sophia has a very good relationship with her step-father who inspired her and motivated for pursuing a career in acting. Sophia attended Lee Strasberg acting classes. Her cinema debut took place in 2014 when Sophia played a small role in the movie A Midsummer Night Dream, and two years later she appeared in the movie 37. 2017 became a breakthrough for Lillis when she joined the cast of It movie, along with Finn Wolfhard and other actors. Later on, Sophia Lillis also appeared in TV series Sharp Objects. In 2023 she took part in filming Dungeons & Dragons, a fantasy comedy film.

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