How old is Sydney Thomas?
Sydney Thomas was born on 18 July 2009.
Sydney Thomas is 15 years old.
How old is Sydney Thomas in days now?
Sydney Thomas is 15 years 7 months old.
Total 5,694 days old now.
When is the next birthday of Sydney Thomas?
Sydney Thomas's next birthday is in 5 months.
What is the zodiac sign of Sydney Thomas?
Zodiac sign of Sydney Thomas is Cancer.
Sydney Thomas is a lovely teenage TV actress known for her role in Wanda Vision TV series by Disney channel. She was born in 2009 in LA and started demonstrating her talents to drama when she was a child. Her parents decided to be her promotion agents and they did their best in order to find some small projects for little Sydney, as well as invest in her by sending her to dance and acting classes. Her first professional role was in a short film BBO in 2016, and later in the 2010s Sydney went on to take part in such films as Young Kesha or The Gorgeous, as well as in the series like Murder Made Me Famous, Carrier, The Price of Fame, etc. In the early 2020s Thomas appeared in 3 episodes of Wanda Vision alongside Elizabeth Olsen, and then joined the cast of some animated TV series like Action Park and Stillwater, thus, Sydney Thomas became also known as a voiceover actress. She can be found and followed on Instagram.