How old is Teala Dunn?

Teala Dunn was born on 8 December 1996.
Teala Dunn is 27 years old.

How old is Teala Dunn in days now?

Teala Dunn is 27 years 4 months 23 days old.
Total 10,006 days old now.

When is the next birthday of Teala Dunn?

Teala Dunn's next birthday is in 7 months 7 days.

What is the zodiac sign of Teala Dunn?

Zodiac sign of Teala Dunn is Sagittarius.

An American actress and Internet celebrity, Teala Dunn was born in 1996 in New Jersey and grew up alongside her elder sister. When Teala was only 8 years old, she appeared in one of the episodes of Law&Order TV series, and since then she has been dreaming about becoming a famous actress. In 2012 she opened her YouTube account and started posting various challenges and interesting videos related to the life of the teenagers, as well as commenting on her life and vlogging. Teala collaborated with her best friends Eva Gutowski, Sierra Furtado, and a number of other YouTubers. In 2005, he made her debut on the big screen, in the movie Transamerica, followed by her giving voice to one of the characters of Wonder Pets animated TV series. Dunn continued with both small and big roles in various TV projects, with the most important ones of those being Are We There Yet? which ran for 3 seasons, as well as some episodes of The Naked Brothers Band, Dog with a Blog, Wakeup Call, Teens Wanna Know, The Thundermans, etc. She delivered great performance near Cameron Dallas in the movie Expelled. Teana Dunn dated a few social networking celebrities like Alex Valley and Nolan Zarlin.

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