How old is Tom Felton?

Tom Felton was born on 22 September 1987.
Tom Felton is 36 years old.

How old is Tom Felton in days now?

Tom Felton is 36 years 7 months 10 days old.
Total 13,372 days old now.

When is the next birthday of Tom Felton?

Tom Felton's next birthday is in 4 months 20 days.

What is the zodiac sign of Tom Felton?

Zodiac sign of Tom Felton is Virgo.

Tom Felton is a British actor and musician known for his role in Harry Potter movie series. He was born in Epson in 1987 and since his childhood, he was extremely interested in music and singing. In the 1990s he appeared in a number of TV commercials. His first serious acting role was the one in the movie The Borrowers followed by the roles in Anna and the King and Bugs TV movie. During the 2000s, Felton was a part of Harry Potter (as Draco Malfoy) along with Daniel Radcliffe, Emma Watson, and Rupert Grint. For the role in Harry Potter, Felton won a few awards, in particular, for the best villain. The next decade was highlighted with a large number of great roles in the movies like The Planet of Apes, The Apparition, From the Rough, In Secret, Against the Sun, Risen, A United Kingdom, Megan Leavy, Feed, and a few more. He also portrayed one of the characters in American TV series The Flash. Tom Felton likes taking part in various comedy related TV programs, and he is also a huge fan of fishing.

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