How old is Wyatt Oleff?
Wyatt Oleff was born on 13 July 2003.
Wyatt Oleff is 21 years old.
How old is Wyatt Oleff in days now?
Wyatt Oleff is 21 years 7 months 22 days old.
Total 7,908 days old now.
When is the next birthday of Wyatt Oleff?
Wyatt Oleff's next birthday is in 4 months 6 days.
What is the zodiac sign of Wyatt Oleff?
Zodiac sign of Wyatt Oleff is Cancer.
Wyatt Oleff is a young American actor who became famous for his role in the horror movie If and its sequel. Wyatt was born in 2003 in Chicago and spent the first 7 years of his life there, growing up alongside his elder brother. His parent noticed his talents for acting quite early, and in 2011 they decided to move to LA to help Wyatt increase his chances of attending better auditions and receiving better roles in TV and cinema. In 2012 Wyatt appeared in TV series Animal Practice, and a year later he took part in such TV projects as Shake It Up!, Suburgatory, Once Upon A Time. In 2014 his cinema debut took place, in the movies Guardians of the Galaxy and Someone Marry Barry. Other notable roles of Wyatt include the ones in TV series The History of Us and Scorpion, as well as in the movies It (where he starred opposite of Finn Wolfhard) and It, Chapter Two. Wyatt Oleff has appeared in a music video of Sia, for her song "Santa's Coming For Us".