How old is Angus Young?

Angus Young was born on 31 March 1955.
Angus Young is 69 years old.

How old is Angus Young in days now?

Angus Young is 69 years 11 months 4 days old.
Total 25,544 days old now.

When is the next birthday of Angus Young?

Angus Young's next birthday is in 24 days.

What is the zodiac sign of Angus Young?

Zodiac sign of Angus Young is Aries.

Angus Young is a famous guitarist, musician, songwriter, as well as one of the establishing members of the band AC/DC. He was born in 1955 in Scotland and grew up in a large family of his parents and his 7 siblings. During the cold winter of 1963, the whole family left Scotland and moved to live in Australia. He spent his late childhood and teen ages in one of the suburbs of Sydney. There, Angus started loving music and learning to play the guitar. In his late teen ages, Angus was involved in various musical projects with his family members and friends, and in 1973, together with his brother Malcolm, they founded AC/DC. During the 1970s, Bonn Scott was the lead singer of the band, until he died in 1980. So the band invited Brian Johnson, as an English singer who was the front-man of the band for many years. Angus Young is famous for his unique guitar playing style, stage costumes, special stage movements and very energetic style of performing on stage. Together with the band, Angus Young has recorded over a dozen studio albums and has performed on stage in virtually every country of the world. Young has been repeatedly named among the best guitarists of Australia and the world. He is also an avid fan of Glasgow Rangers FC.

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