How old is Dae Dae?
Dae Dae was born on 29 July 1992.
Dae Dae is 32 years old.
How old is Dae Dae in days now?
Dae Dae is 32 years 6 months 9 days old.
Total 11,881 days old now.
When is the next birthday of Dae Dae?
Dae Dae's next birthday is in 5 months 22 days.
What is the zodiac sign of Dae Dae?
Zodiac sign of Dae Dae is Leo.
Dae Dae is a rapper with a cool image and distinctive rapping style. He was born Marquavis Goolsby in 1992 in Atlanta where he started making his first steps in the world of hip hop music when he was 8 years old. He was extremely supported by his father who would buy plenty of CDs and music for his son, and later on his father helped him to convert his room into a recording studio where the first singles of his were recorded. Marquavis became a father when he was 14 which was accepted by his family quite well. After finishing high school, Dae Dae had to get a job and work as a construction worker in order to have time to continue his musical exercises. His first commercial single was released in 2015, titled "Wat U Mean", and it was followed by his first EX that he recorded between his working shifts. Later in the decade he released one more single named "Spend It" which was noticed and remixed by another rapper Lil Wayne. At about that time Dae released a great joined single with Ty Taylor named "Bae With Me". In the early 2020s Dae Dae stepped back a little from the world of music and got focused on his personal life and family matters, but definitely he has a great potential as a musician and rapper in the future.