How old is Clara Lukasiak?

Clara Lukasiak was born on 17 August 2009.
Clara Lukasiak is 15 years old.

How old is Clara Lukasiak in days now?

Clara Lukasiak is 15 years 5 months 23 days old.
Total 5,655 days old now.

When is the next birthday of Clara Lukasiak?

Clara Lukasiak's next birthday is in 6 months 8 days.

What is the zodiac sign of Clara Lukasiak?

Zodiac sign of Clara Lukasiak is Leo.

Clara Lukasiak is an extremely lovely dancer who became a star of a popular reality show Dance Moms. Born in 2009 in to the family of Marc and Chisti Luckasiak, she grew up alongside her star elder sister Chloe Lukasiak who is also a top star of Dance Moms. Since her early childhood Clara has loved dancing and has been receiving a lot of training as a growing professional dancer. She appeared in Season 4 of Dance Moms, and became really good friends with Mackenzie Ziegler. In 2018 Clara joined the project called Dance Mechanics and became one of the most prominent dancers there. In 2019 she tried herself as a swimmer and achieved quite great success in that field. Clara Lukashiak is a very multi talented girl, she loves singing and getting involved in any kind of creative activities. 

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