How old is Eddie Benjamin?
Eddie Benjamin was born on 16 January 2002.
Eddie Benjamin is 23 years old.
How old is Eddie Benjamin in days now?
Eddie Benjamin is 23 years 22 days old.
Total 8,423 days old now.
When is the next birthday of Eddie Benjamin?
Eddie Benjamin's next birthday is in 11 months 9 days.
What is the zodiac sign of Eddie Benjamin?
Zodiac sign of Eddie Benjamin is Capricorn.
Eddie Benjamin is an Australian musician, singer, and bass guitar player who rose to fame as a member of a band called Haze Trio and as a boyfriend of a social media star Maddie Ziegler. Born in 2002 in Australia, he lived in Sydney and then in LA. He has loved music since his early years and started his professional career as a young teenager by playing on the streets of Sydney. This followed by some performances on stage, and then by joining the band as a bass player. In the late 2010s he took part in many projects and performances as the member of the band which helped him earn some fame and opened his way to the US. Eddie Benjamin can be found on various social media platforms and his relationship with Ziegler lasted since 2019 but in the early 2023 they broke up.