How old is Galina Jovovich?

Galina Jovovich was born on 28 October 1950.
Galina Jovovich is 74 years old.

How old is Galina Jovovich in days now?

Galina Jovovich is 74 years 3 months 12 days old.
Total 27,133 days old now.

When is the next birthday of Galina Jovovich?

Galina Jovovich's next birthday is in 8 months 19 days.

What is the zodiac sign of Galina Jovovich?

Zodiac sign of Galina Jovovich is Scorpio.

Galina Jovovich (Loginova) is an actress and mother of Milla Jovovich, as well as her longtime agent. Galina was born in 1950 in the Soviet Union and started her career in Moscow by taking part in a famous Soviet TV series Shadows Disappear at Noon. In the early 1970s, after finishing the university in Moscow, Galina moved to Kiev, Ukraine and met a Serbian doctor Boga Jovovich, whom she got married with. In December 1975 Galina gave birth to a wonderful daughter named Milla. In the late 1970s, she took part in a number of projects like movies So Much Ado about Nothing, The Fairfax Million and others. In 1980, together with her husband and daughter, she moved to the US, to LA, where Galina had to work in services in order to make ends meet. However, very soon her daughter Milla started attracting the attention of acting scouts and launched her amazing career. Since then, Galina Jovovich was one of the managers and agents of her daughter.

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