How old is GiaNina Paolantonio?

GiaNina Paolantonio was born on 10 June 2005.
GiaNina Paolantonio is 19 years old.

How old is GiaNina Paolantonio in days now?

GiaNina Paolantonio is 19 years 8 months 1 day old.
Total 7,186 days old now.

When is the next birthday of GiaNina Paolantonio?

GiaNina Paolantonio's next birthday is in 3 months 30 days.

What is the zodiac sign of GiaNina Paolantonio?

Zodiac sign of GiaNina Paolantonio is Gemini.

GiaNina Paolantonio is a young American dancer, actress, TV personality, and social activist who became famous as a participant of a popular TV show Dance Moms. She was born in 2005 in New Jersey, and her natural talent for dancing and performing started showing itself at an early age. After receiving proper training in dancing and acting, GiaNina was noticed by young scouts and began appearing on the professional stage before she turned 10. In the mid-2010s, she started taking part in Broadway musicals like Matilda the Musical, and others. She appeared in Season 8 of Dance Moms, alongside her mom Joanne Paolantonio. GiaNina tried herself in acting and can be seen in the movie The Greatest Showman alongside Hugh Jackman. As a model, she has collaborated with a large number of fashion brands like clothing brands, clothing shops, etc. GiaNina Paolantonio is an activist and an avid promoter of a healthy lifestyle.

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