How old is James Marsden?

James Marsden was born on 18 September 1973.
James Marsden is 51 years old.

How old is James Marsden in days now?

James Marsden is 51 years 5 months 17 days old.
Total 18,798 days old now.

When is the next birthday of James Marsden?

James Marsden's next birthday is in 6 months 11 days.

What is the zodiac sign of James Marsden?

Zodiac sign of James Marsden is Virgo.

James Marsden is a talented American actor and former model known for his role in the series of X Men movies. James was born in Oklahoma and grew up in a crowded family alongside his 4 siblings. He was a student of Oklahoma State University and his major was journalism, but in the early 1990s he dropped down and moved to LA in order to pursue a career in acting. His TV debut was with a small role in The Nanny TV series, followed by a few roles in TV films and series. The year 2000 became a breakthrough for Marsden since he received an invitation to join the cast of X-Men as Cyclopes, as well as obtained the main role in TV series Ally McBeal. Other noteworthy roles of Marsden include the ones in Zoolander (with Ben Stiller), Heights (with Glenn Close), Superman Returns, The Box (with Cameron Diaz), Death at a Funeral (with Chris Rock), Straw Dogs, The Best of Me, The Loft, The D Train, The Butler, Accidental Love (with Jessica Biel and Jake Gyllenhaal), Unfinished Business (with Vince Vaughn), The Female Brain (with Sofia Vergara), and Westworld. James Marsden guest starred is a few TV series like 30 Rock, Modern Family and others. He is known as an excellent actor both for comedy and action movies. Marsden was married to a daughter of an actor Dennis Linde and has 2 children with her. He, later on, got divorced and has got one more child with his Brazilian girlfriend.

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