How old is Jared Padalecki?
Jared Padalecki was born on 19 July 1982.
Jared Padalecki is 42 years old.
How old is Jared Padalecki in days now?
Jared Padalecki is 42 years 6 months 19 days old.
Total 15,544 days old now.
When is the next birthday of Jared Padalecki?
Jared Padalecki's next birthday is in 5 months 12 days.
What is the zodiac sign of Jared Padalecki?
Zodiac sign of Jared Padalecki is Cancer.
Jared Padalecki is an American actor known for his role in TV series Supernatural, opposite Jensen Ackles. Jared was born in 1982 in San Antonio, to a man of Polish origins and a woman of European origins. He wanted to study at the University of Texas but moved to LA to pursue an acting career. In 2000 he managed to obtain a recurring role in a very popular TV series Gilmore Girls. Later on, he took part in the movies like Cheaper by Dozen (with Steve Martin), The Fight of the Phoenix (with Dennis Quaid), New York Minute, House of Wax, and Cry Wolf. Finally, in 2005 he joined the cast of Supernatural and has been taking part in filming the TV series till now. He played the lead roles in movies Christmas Cottage and Friday the 13th. Jared Padalecki is married to Genevieve Cortese, a beautiful American actress, and model who he met while filming the first seasons of Supernatural. The couple has two sons and a daughter, and they live in Austin Texas.