How old is Jerry Springer?

Jerry Springer was born on 13 February 1944. Jerry Springer died on 27 April 2023 at the age of 79 years.

What was the exact age of Jerry Springer?

Jerry Springer's exact age was 79 years 2 months 14 days old. Jerry Springer lived for total 28,928 days.

What would be the age of Jerry Springer if alive?

Jerry Springer's exact age would be 80 years 8 months 10 days old if alive. Total 29,473 days.

What is the zodiac sign of Jerry Springer?

Zodiac sign of Jerry Springer is Aquarius.

Jerry Springer was a TV host, producer, politician, journalist, and politician, as well as a former mayor of Cincinnati. He was born in 1944 in London, he was brought up by his Jewish parents with whom he moved to New York City in 1948. After finishing school and studying law at a university in Chicago, he started his professional career as a lawyer and, later on, as a politician. In the late 1970s he served as a Mayor of Cincinnati, and during the next decade he continued as a journalist and a TV host. His work was successful and highly appreciated by his fans so the peak of his career was at the times when he won the Emmy Award as a commenter. Starting from the early 1990s he became a host of his personal TV talk show which was called Jerry Springer and was followed by another program called The Jerry Springer Podcast. In the late 2010s he joined the team hosting America's Got Talent and received a lot of public appreciation for his work. For his lasting professional career he developed a spacial talk show genre known as tabloid talk show which can be characterized by talking about plenty of controversial points. Jerry Springer passed away in spring of 2023, after a long fight against cancer, at the age of 79...

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