How old is Joseline Hernandez?
Joseline Hernandez was born on 3 November 1986.
Joseline Hernandez is 38 years old.
How old is Joseline Hernandez in days now?
Joseline Hernandez is 38 years 3 months 8 days old.
Total 13,980 days old now.
When is the next birthday of Joseline Hernandez?
Joseline Hernandez's next birthday is in 8 months 23 days.
What is the zodiac sign of Joseline Hernandez?
Zodiac sign of Joseline Hernandez is Scorpio.
A lovely and talented TV show star, Joseline Hernandez is also known as a hip hop star who rose to fame as a great free styling singer. Born in 1986 in Puerto Rico, she grew up in a large family which moved to Florida in the early 1990s. There, Joseline finished school and made her first steps on the fields of hip hop. Just like many of today's rappers, she had very hard adolescence times and was involved in many unlawful activities. However, in the early 2010s she met a music producer Stevie J who offered her promotion and support as a perspective hip hop star. She started appearing in Love & Hip Hop Atlanta which made Hernandez popular among the local fans of rap. Initially she performed as Shenellica Bettencourt, but later on started using her own name on stage. As a TV star, she continued in a number of Love & Hip Hop spin offs, as well as in other shows like The Real, Go Hollywood, Marriage Boot Camp, Hip Hop Edition, and others. Her most known singles include "Live Your Best Life", "Vegas", "Que Rico", "Church", and others. As of the уфкдн 2024, Joseline Hernandes is engaged to a music producer Robin Ingouma. She has a daughter with Stevie J.
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