How old is Kit Connor?
Kit Connor was born on 8 March 2004.
Kit Connor is 20 years old.
How old is Kit Connor in days now?
Kit Connor is 20 years 11 months 3 days old.
Total 7,645 days old now.
When is the next birthday of Kit Connor?
Kit Connor's next birthday is in 25 days.
What is the zodiac sign of Kit Connor?
Zodiac sign of Kit Connor is Pisces.
A charismatic TV actor Kit Connor rose to fame as a child actor by appearing in a number of films and TV series. He was born in 2004 in Croydon, grew up in Purely and went to school in Kenley. He spent his childhood alongside his friends and he two wonderful dogs. He was discovered as a child and invited to join his first professional cast for a TV movie An Adventure in Space and Time followed by small roles in two TV series, Chickens and Casuality. Later he played the main role in a TV series Rocket's Island which helped him to make his name and become famous. Other TV projects of Kit include his role War And Peace, Grandchester, His Dark Materials, Heartstopper. As a cinema actor, he is known for his roles in Mr. Holmes, Get Santa, The Mercy, Ready Player 1, Littel Joe, Rocketman, and others. Kit Connor can be found and followed online on many social media platforms like Twitter and others.
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