How old is Kanye West?

Kanye West was born on 8 June 1977.
Kanye West is 46 years old.

How old is Kanye West in days now?

Kanye West is 46 years 10 months 18 days old.
Total 17,124 days old now.

When is the next birthday of Kanye West?

Kanye West's next birthday is in 1 month 13 days.

What is the zodiac sign of Kanye West?

Zodiac sign of Kanye West is Gemini.

One of the most famous rappers of the modern times, Kanye West had a large influence on the development of hip-hop music in the early 21st century. He spent his childhood in Chicago playing basketball and video games, but in his early teen ages, he became really interested in music. His family was not rich and he had to borrow money to move to New York and make his records, but everything he tried to do was extremely successful and helped him to become rich quite fast. West established his own recording studio and released 8 studio albums so far, which brought him 21 Grammy awards in various nominations. He is one of the best selling singers in the whole music world, and also a successful producer with a great intuition. West is famous for his controversial personality and weird behavior. He is married to Kim Kardashian, and the couple has 3 children.

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