How old is Kenny Ortega?

Kenny Ortega was born on 18 April 1950.
Kenny Ortega is 74 years old.

How old is Kenny Ortega in days now?

Kenny Ortega is 74 years 9 months 22 days old.
Total 27,326 days old now.

When is the next birthday of Kenny Ortega?

Kenny Ortega's next birthday is in 2 months 9 days.

What is the zodiac sign of Kenny Ortega?

Zodiac sign of Kenny Ortega is Aries.

Kenny Ortega is an American choreographer, director and movie producer, who has choreographed a number of very famous movies and musicals for teenagers. He was born as Kenneth John Ortega in 1950 in California, to a family of Spanish immigrants. He started his career by taking part in choreographing such movies as Xanadu and Dirty Dancing, as well as becoming the main choreographer of Madonna's "Material Girl" video (1984). He collaborated closely with Michael Jackson (on his tours of 1992-1997), Cher, Gloria Estefan, and many other singers, as well as worked on choreographing the program for a number of international events like the 1996 Olympic Games, the 2002 Winter Olympics, and so on. He both directed and choreographed such movies as Newsies (with Christian Bale), Hokus Pokus, as well as the trilogies of High School Musical and The Descendants. He took part in a few projects of Dancing with the Stars. Kenny Ortega has won a number of Prime-time Emmy Awards, for outstanding choreography in High School Musical and other events.

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