How old is Michael Jackson?
Michael Jackson was born on 29 August 1958. Michael Jackson died on 25 June 2009 at the age of 50 years.
What was the exact age of Michael Jackson?
Michael Jackson's exact age was 50 years 9 months 27 days old. Michael Jackson lived for total 18,563 days.
What would be the age of Michael Jackson if alive?
Michael Jackson's exact age would be 66 years 5 months 13 days old if alive. Total 24,273 days.
What is the zodiac sign of Michael Jackson?
Zodiac sign of Michael Jackson is Virgo.
Michael Joseph Jackson was a prominent musician, a singer, a songwriter, a dancer, and a pop music King. He was born in 1958 in Indiana, to a very crowded family of Joe and Katherine Jackson, who had 9 children and both were related to the music world. Their children received a classic Catholic education and were raised by their father who was quite a tough parent. In 1964, Jackson Brothers formed a band, The Jacksons, which soon turned into Jacksons 5. By the 1970s, the band became famous on the national level, and their songs received popularity by appearing in Top Charts of Billboard Magazine. In 1972, Michael started his own singing career, with the debut album Got To Be There (1975), followed by Ben, Music And Me, and Forever Michael. He tried himself in cinema and collaborated with a few pop music stars like Paul McCartney, Stevie Wonder, etc. With his album Thriller which has sold over 65 million copies around the world. Michael broke a number of records, including the time of remaining in Billboard charts, the number of international awards (include 13 Grammy Awards), etc. This album is still considered to be the world's best selling album ever. Michael Jackson had a special approach to music and a uniquely recognizable style. He made a revolution in video art and dancing, by presenting to the world his special Moonwalk. He is famous for his songs like "Billie Jean" and "Beat It", which are among the best selling ones of all times. He was married twice and had 3 children. He died in 2009 in his house in California, due to an overdose of medicines.