How old is TaTa?
TaTa was born on 17 February 2005.
TaTa is 19 years old.
How old is TaTa in days now?
TaTa is 19 years 11 months 20 days old.
Total 7,294 days old now.
When is the next birthday of TaTa?
TaTa's next birthday is in 11 days.
What is the zodiac sign of TaTa?
Zodiac sign of TaTa is Aquarius.
TaTa is a social media star and an interesting hip hop singer whose style is described as drill rap. He was born Zaire Tasian Rivera in 2005 in the USA and had quite a typical childhood for a young person of the early 21st century. He has been interested in hip hop since the early ages and initially he was focused on learning to dance as a hip hop dancer. Learning plenty of dance moves made him try free styling and trying to do rap just like his idols. TaTa started releasing and sharing his first compositions in the early 2022, and special for that he opened his TikTok channel which has currently (as of February 2024) has the number of followers close to a third of a million people. One of his songs, the one titled "Like Glah Cause We Did" became viral and attracted over 2 million views. TaTa can also be found and followed on YouTube where most of his videos are available, and the number of his followers there is approaching to a hundred thousand people.