How old is Tatiana McQuay?

Tatiana McQuay was born on 30 August 2003.
Tatiana McQuay is 21 years old.

How old is Tatiana McQuay in days now?

Tatiana McQuay is 21 years 6 months 5 days old.
Total 7,860 days old now.

When is the next birthday of Tatiana McQuay?

Tatiana McQuay's next birthday is in 5 months 23 days.

What is the zodiac sign of Tatiana McQuay?

Zodiac sign of Tatiana McQuay is Virgo.

Tatiana McQuay is a young Canadian dancer who became famous as a participant of various dance teams. Tatiana was born in 2003 in Ontario and spent her early childhood there, alongside her parents and 3 siblings. She has been interested in and has been receiving very good training in dancing since her early childhood. In 2010 her family moved to California and Tatiana has finally got a chance to attend auditions and interviews to various TV projects related to dancing and acting. In 2013 she became a part of Camp Pulse support group, and a year later she joined a dance-duo named IT, with Isaiah Morgan. They took part in some projects of Nickelodeon like Zumba Kids or Just Dane Kids. Tatiana continued by joining other dance teams like L2M or immaBEAST, with Tessa Brooks, Jordyn Jones and other famous young dancers. Tatiana McQuay also appeared in such TV shows as Hyperlinked, The Lies I Tell Myself, Cody & Lexy, and others.

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