How old is Alesha Dixon?
Alesha Dixon was born on 7 October 1978.
Alesha Dixon is 46 years old.
How old is Alesha Dixon in days now?
Alesha Dixon is 46 years 4 months 4 days old.
Total 16,929 days old now.
When is the next birthday of Alesha Dixon?
Alesha Dixon's next birthday is in 7 months 26 days.
What is the zodiac sign of Alesha Dixon?
Zodiac sign of Alesha Dixon is Libra.
An extremely charismatic and cute hip hop star, dancer, and author, Alesha Dixon rose to fame as one of the members of a band called Mis-Teeq and continued as a TV star and social media personality. She was born in 1978 in Herdfordshire, to the father of Jamaican and the mother of Scottish origins. She grew up in a large family and has loved music since her early years. In the late 1990s when lived in Fulham, she met her future group mates, and they formed a hip hop group names Mis-Teeq. In the early 2000s they released two studio albums and remained a shooting star of the early British hip hop. In the late 2000s Alesha released her first and second solo albums, as well as became a TV star by joining a number of programs like Strictly Come Dancing. During the 2010s Dixon continued recording new hits and did great as a judge in Britain's Got Talent or a host in The Greatest Dancer. The early 2020s Alesha Dixon appeared in a TV show Comic Relief, as well as in Eurovision Song Contest 2023.