How old is Alexa Chung?
Alexa Chung was born on 5 November 1983.
Alexa Chung is 41 years old.
How old is Alexa Chung in days now?
Alexa Chung is 41 years 3 months 2 days old.
Total 15,070 days old now.
When is the next birthday of Alexa Chung?
Alexa Chung's next birthday is in 8 months 29 days.
What is the zodiac sign of Alexa Chung?
Zodiac sign of Alexa Chung is Scorpio.
Alexa Chung is a famous British model, actress, TV host, and social activist. She grew up in Privett, the UK, and her father has Chinese roots. She was the youngest of 4 children in her family. She started modeling very early and became a part of Storm Model Management group. Her pictures appeared on the top of such magazines as Elle and Cosmo Girl. Alexa was in the modeling business for 4 years and she took part in plenty of various advertisement campaigns, including the ones of such companies as Fanta, Tampax, Sunsilk, Sony, etc. Later on, she wanted to try herself in journalism and writing, and then she was back to modeling again, becoming the face of various brands and clothing lines like DKNY Jeans, etc. She had a few her own TV programs on TV4, where she was a director and a conduction of fashion related programs. Alexa Chung attends plenty of fashion shows and fashion weeks.
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