How old is Anne-Marie?

Anne-Marie was born on 7 April 1991.
Anne-Marie is 33 years old.

How old is Anne-Marie in days now?

Anne-Marie is 33 years 10 months 11 days old.
Total 12,371 days old now.

When is the next birthday of Anne-Marie?

Anne-Marie's next birthday is in 1 month 20 days.

What is the zodiac sign of Anne-Marie?

Zodiac sign of Anne-Marie is Aries.

Anne-Marie is a popular British singer and songwriter, born Anne-Marie Rose Nicholson in 1991 in Essex. At the age of 6, she started taking part in musicals at West End Theater but was dreaming about a career of a pop singer. She signed up with Rocket Records in 2013, and two years later she released her first EP titled Karate, named after the most favorite sports of hers. There were a few hits in this album like "Gemini", but it took the singer 3 more years to record her first solo album Speak Your Mind, where such hits as "2002", "Rockabye", "Ciao Adios", "Friends", and others were presented. The latter was recorded with a famous DJ Marshmello. Anne-Marie also collaborated with Sean Paul. In 2021 she was one of the coaches in the famous TV show The Voice (Britain). Her third solo album titled Unhealthy came out in 2023.

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