How old is Asian Doll?

Asian Doll was born on 7 December 1996.
Asian Doll is 28 years old.

How old is Asian Doll in days now?

Asian Doll is 28 years 1 month 30 days old.
Total 10,288 days old now.

When is the next birthday of Asian Doll?

Asian Doll's next birthday is in 10 months 1 day.

What is the zodiac sign of Asian Doll?

Zodiac sign of Asian Doll is Sagittarius.

Asian Doll is a young lovely American rapper known also as Asian Da Brat. Born Misharron Jermeisha Allen in 1996 in Dallas, she grew up alongside her mother and three siblings. Her childhood was full of hardships connected with a constant lack of money in her family, as well as her father spending most of the time in jail. She started rapping and freestyling in her late teen ages and turned out to be really successful at that. Her first mixtape came out in 2015 and so far she has released 10 of them, with the most popular hits like "Clout", "Pull Up", "1017", "Grandson", and others. Asian Doll often collaborates with other hip hoppers like Lil Mister, Gucci Mane, Jay Sean, Rich the Kid, etc. She has a very popular Instagram account which, as of the late 2024, has the number of followers close to 4.4 million people.

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