How old is Bjork?

Bjork was born on 21 November 1965.
Bjork is 59 years old.

How old is Bjork in days now?

Bjork is 59 years 2 months 17 days old.
Total 21,628 days old now.

When is the next birthday of Bjork?

Bjork's next birthday is in 9 months 14 days.

What is the zodiac sign of Bjork?

Zodiac sign of Bjork is Scorpio.

Bjork is a famous Icelandic singer, songwriter, and musician, who is known worldwide for her unique ethnic musical style and authentic folk melodies. She was born in 1965 in Reykjavik and grew up in a family with a quite liberal lifestyle. Her parents supported Bjork's love for music and sent her to music schools to learn to play piano and flute. The music teachers there were amazed by her voice and sent her recordings to the radio station. The producers immediately offered the young singer to record her first album, which included mainly cover versions of the songs but became platinum in Iceland. Further, Bjork worked with a number of various bands and tried herself in different styles of music. In 1992 she moved to the UK and started collaborating with British musicians, with her first albums in the UK becoming very successful and popular. One of her most interesting albums Homogenic had a clear influence of Japanese music, and her album of 2001 includes very calm tunes influenced by Icelandic folk songs. Her album of 2007 named Volta is a clear electronic music work. Bjork tried herself in cinema too, with the most successful role of her in the movie Dancer in the Dark, as well as the soundtrack for the movie I've Seen It All. Her lasting artistic career is the one to show that there are artists who are brave enough to break the standards and be ready for all kinds of experiments. Bjork had romantic relationships with a few musicians and she has two children, a daughter and a son.

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