How old is Blake Shelton?

Blake Shelton was born on 18 June 1976.
Blake Shelton is 48 years old.

How old is Blake Shelton in days now?

Blake Shelton is 48 years 7 months 24 days old.
Total 17,770 days old now.

When is the next birthday of Blake Shelton?

Blake Shelton's next birthday is in 4 months 7 days.

What is the zodiac sign of Blake Shelton?

Zodiac sign of Blake Shelton is Gemini.

Blake Shelton is an American country music singer and TV celebrity. Born in 1976 in Oklahoma, he has been demonstrating his passion for music since his early teen ages. He learned to play guitar from his uncle and wrote his first song when he was 16. Upon finishing high school, Blake moved to Nashville to start his professional career as a singer and managed to sign an attractive contract with Sony. His first single recorded in 2001, "I Wanna Talk About Me" was received very warmly, and so was his first eponymous studio album. It had one more single titled "Austin" which has climbed the top line in Billboard County Songs. The album became platinum, just like two further albums of Shelton. He started touring and performing in front of thousands of his fans. By the end of the decade, Shelton became a lead solo singer of country music and was a key participant of all important country music-related events. The 2010s started for him with the job, as one of the judges on the TV program The Voice which continued during the decade on an off. He met and married Miranda Lambert, who was his main partner and collaborator in many of his projects. So far Blake Shelton has released 10 studio albums and received a large number of the highest awards for country music, including MTV Country, Academy of Country Music Award, and others. He is married and collaborates profesionally with Gwen Stefani, his co-judge on The Voice.

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