How old is Brooke Hyland?
Brooke Hyland was born on 30 January 1998.
Brooke Hyland is 27 years old.
How old is Brooke Hyland in days now?
Brooke Hyland is 27 years 1 month 5 days old.
Total 9,898 days old now.
When is the next birthday of Brooke Hyland?
Brooke Hyland's next birthday is in 10 months 23 days.
What is the zodiac sign of Brooke Hyland?
Zodiac sign of Brooke Hyland is Aquarius.
One of the participants of Dance Moms and other dance competitions, Brooke Hyland was born in 1998 in Pennsylvania and grew up nearby her two younger siblings. Since her childhood, she has been very serious about becoming a dancer and believed that it will be her profession since she was 9. Together with her mum Kelly and her sister Paige, Brooke took part in Dance Moms competition where she starred with other young dancers like Jojo Siwa, Maddie Zeigler, Mackenzie Zeigler, Chloe Lukasiak, Nia Sioux, and others. Brooke is very interested in singing and has recorded a few singles, with some of them becoming quite popular, like the one named "Summer Love Song". She also pays a lot of attention to education and is currently studying business in Ohio University. Brooke Hyland dated an Instagram star Nolan Betts, but she broke up with him in 2017. In the early 2022 she appeared in some media alongside her new boyfriend Bryan Thalman, and they got engaged in the mid 2024.