How old is Caroline Flack?
Caroline Flack was born on 9 November 1979. Caroline Flack died on 15 February 2020 at the age of 40 years.
What was the exact age of Caroline Flack?
Caroline Flack's exact age was 40 years 3 months 6 days old. Caroline Flack lived for total 14,708 days.
What would be the age of Caroline Flack if alive?
Caroline Flack's exact age would be 45 years 3 months 9 days old if alive. Total 16,538 days.
What is the zodiac sign of Caroline Flack?
Zodiac sign of Caroline Flack is Scorpio.
Caroline Flack was a famous British radio and TV presenter who was truly loved by many fans of various reality TV shows. She was born in 1979 in a parish of London and grew up in a large family, alongside her parents and three elder siblings. She has a twin sister named Jody and as a child Caroline was a very lovely and nice kid who loved dancing. She spent more of her childhood years in Norfolk where she finished high school and continued studying acting and choreography in one of the colleges of Cambridge. She started her professional career in the early 2000s by appearing on one of Michael Jackson's projects. At about the same time she began appearing on TV as a participant of British TV shows and series like Bo' Selesta, Fash FC, TMI, When Games Attack, etc. Later in the decade she tried herself in hosting and took part in producing such shows as Escape From Scorpion Island, Big Brother's Big Mouth, I'm A Celebrity, Something For The Weekend, etc. During the 2010s she co-presented a large number of TV projects including The Xtra Factor, The X Factor, Viral Trip, Love Island: Aftersun, etc. She was really popular and appeared as a participant in such shows as Who Wants To Be A Millionaire, Loose Women, Strictly Come Dancing, etc. She dated plenty of stars like Prince Harry, Harry Styles, or Andrew Brady, whom she was engaged to. In winter of 2020 Caroline Flack was found dead in her house. She was only 40 years old.
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