How old is Chet Atkins?

Chet Atkins was born on 20 June 1924. Chet Atkins died on 30 June 2001 at the age of 77 years.

What was the exact age of Chet Atkins?

Chet Atkins's exact age was 77 years 10 days old. Chet Atkins lived for total 28,134 days.

What would be the age of Chet Atkins if alive?

Chet Atkins's exact age would be 100 years 7 months 20 days old if alive. Total 36,759 days.

What is the zodiac sign of Chet Atkins?

Zodiac sign of Chet Atkins is Gemini.

Chet Atkins (Chester Burton Atkins) was a legendary guitarist, considered to be one of the actual creators of country music, as well as a producer, who was absolutely devoted to music since his early age. He grew up on a small farm in Tennessee, and he learned to play guitar in quite short time, free from daily work. He listened to the radio every evening and learned to imitate the sounds of various musical instruments with his guitar playing. He developed his special distinctive picking style and at the beginning of his career worked extensively as a freelance guitarist with a large number of orchestras and bands. In the late 1950s, along with Ferguson and Bradley, Atkins presented what is known as Nashville sound, coming instead of honky tonk style of the 1940s. In those times he has got a nickname Mr. Guitar. For his lasting career, Chet Atkins collaborated with many musicians and guitarists, including Elvis Presley, Ray Charles, Norma Jean, Dolly Parton, George Harrison, Mark Knopfler, and many more. He won 14 Grammy and 9 Country Music Awards. 

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