How old is Christian Lalama?
Christian Lalama was born on 25 August 2003.
Christian Lalama is 21 years old.
How old is Christian Lalama in days now?
Christian Lalama is 21 years 5 months 15 days old.
Total 7,839 days old now.
When is the next birthday of Christian Lalama?
Christian Lalama's next birthday is in 6 months 16 days.
What is the zodiac sign of Christian Lalama?
Zodiac sign of Christian Lalama is Virgo.
Christian Lalama is a cool and very handsome pop singer, musician and actor who became popular as a member of the band named The Mini Pop Kids. Born in 2003 in Canada, to the family of the people who have to do with music. He grew up alongside his parents and younger brother Matteo in the city of St.Catharines. Chris began demonstrating his natural talent for singing and music when he was only 3 years old and his aspirations to becoming a singer where greatly supported by his parents and especially his uncle who is a pianist and worked in such a popular TV show as Canadian Idol. Christian learned to play many musical instruments, started recording his first songs and sharing them on his YouTueb channel in the mid 2010s. He is a member of online music group named The Mini Pop Kids, and in the late 2010s Lalama started recording his first professional hits like "TicToc", "FrFr" and others. In the early 2020s he released a number of other hits including "Gotta Be You" and "Miss Me" which are considered to be the most popular songs of his so far. Christian Lalama has collaborated with a number of stars like Ed Sheeran, Johnny Orlando, Jules LeBlanc, Carson Lueders, and others.