How old is GloRilla?

GloRilla was born on 27 July 1999.
GloRilla is 24 years old.

How old is GloRilla in days now?

GloRilla is 24 years 9 months 3 days old.
Total 9,044 days old now.

When is the next birthday of GloRilla?

GloRilla's next birthday is in 2 months 27 days.

What is the zodiac sign of GloRilla?

Zodiac sign of GloRilla is Leo.

A lovely and talented hip hop singer, GloRilla is a rising star among the today's female rappers. She was born Gloria Hallelujah Woods in 1999 in Tennessee and spent her early years in Memphis, alongside her family and numerous friends. Since her school years she has been very active and interested girl, with the particular love to dancing and music. She began trying herself as a rap singer in the very late 2010s and released her debut mixtape named Most Likely Up Next in 2019. In the early 2020s GloRilla started releasing her professional singles, with the first ones like "Westside Baby" attracting millions and millions of viewers. Most of her music promotional work has been done online, and it is possible to find her songs on YouTube or Spotify. GloRilla can be found and followed on Instagram where the number of her fans is now (as of the mid 2023) is close to 3.7 million people.

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