How old is Jimmy Kimmel?

Jimmy Kimmel was born on 13 November 1967.
Jimmy Kimmel is 57 years old.

How old is Jimmy Kimmel in days now?

Jimmy Kimmel is 57 years 2 months 29 days old.
Total 20,910 days old now.

When is the next birthday of Jimmy Kimmel?

Jimmy Kimmel's next birthday is in 9 months 2 days.

What is the zodiac sign of Jimmy Kimmel?

Zodiac sign of Jimmy Kimmel is Scorpio.

James Christian Kimmel is a famous American conductor and TV show host, a comedian and an actor, who became popular as a host of the popular TV stand up shows like The Man Show, Jimmy Kimmel Live!, and others, which are well known and watched around the world. Kimmel was born in 1967 in Brooklyn but spent his childhood in Las Vegas. Since his early school years, he was interested in social life and was the one to organize various meetings or activities for school children. He studied in Nevada and Arizona universities, and during his studies, he took an active part in the life of the local students' channel. He worked at various radio stations. Kimmel's debut at the TV took place in 1989, and in 2003 he became the host of his special TV show, Jimmy Kimmel Live!, which he has been conducting for almost 15 years. This late-night show has very high ratings and brought Kimmel great fame and wealth.

Apart from conducting his show, Jim takes part in various cinema projects, including acting in such movies as Like Mike, Road Trip, etc. He gladly gives voices to various cartoon characters, like the ones from Garfield or Drawn Together. For many years Kimmel dated a famous and controversial comedian, Sarah Silverman, with whom he created a number of projects and TV programs. In 1988, he got married to Gina Maddy, a costume designer who worked alongside with Jimmy. The couple had 2 children, but they got divorced in 2003. Since 2013 he has been married to Molly McNearney, an actress and producer. They have a son and a daughter. Jimmy Kimmel is a good friend of Ben Affleck

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