How old is Kendall Vertes?

Kendall Vertes was born on 9 December 2002.
Kendall Vertes is 21 years old.

How old is Kendall Vertes in days now?

Kendall Vertes is 21 years 4 months 16 days old.
Total 7,808 days old now.

When is the next birthday of Kendall Vertes?

Kendall Vertes's next birthday is in 7 months 14 days.

What is the zodiac sign of Kendall Vertes?

Zodiac sign of Kendall Vertes is Sagittarius.

Kendall Vertes is a beautiful young dancer, model, singer, and TV personality who became famous as a member of Dance Moms competition. She was born in 2002 in Pittsburg, to the family of German and Italian descent, and started her training as a dancer in 2004. Together with her mom, Jill, Kendall became a star of dance show and became a competitor of Brooke Hyland. Kendall took part in the first two seasons of the program and then left it to continue developing her career in dancing, singing, and modeling. She opened her social networking accounts and started promoting her work online. She recorded a few songs and made quite great quality videos for those. Vertes collaborated with such famous YouTubers like Jojo SiwaMackenzie Ziegler, Maddie Zeigler, and others. As of the late 2023, Kendall has almost 11.5 million followers at her Instagram account. She takes part in various projects of the Candy Apple's Dance Center and the Abby Lee Dance Company in Pittsburgh. Kendall Vertes is a huge fan of pets and has a dog, a cat and two guinea pigs at home. Recently, she has been trying herself in designing clothes.

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