How old is Korporate?

Korporate was born on 28 November 1987.
Korporate is 37 years old.

How old is Korporate in days now?

Korporate is 37 years 2 months 21 days old.
Total 13,597 days old now.

When is the next birthday of Korporate?

Korporate's next birthday is in 9 months 10 days.

What is the zodiac sign of Korporate?

Zodiac sign of Korporate is Sagittarius.

An extremely cool and charismatic guy on YouTube, Korporate became known as a comedian who had taken part in many of online social media promoting projects. Born Donovan Prince Junior in 1987 in Chicago, he had a typical childhood for a millennial and typical hobbies like rap music and computers. He started to rap and free style, having taken the stage name Korporate. In the mid 2010s he appeared on Instagram and YouTube (Korporate Bidness), on the latter he very soon became famous for his hashtag #BlackChicagoBeLike. He was using it to tell about his life and the life of his friends. Some of his videos have received over a half of a million views. Lately he has shifted to a more entertaining and funny content which eventually helped him to attract more and more viewers (there are over 2.7 million people following his channel in the late 2025). There are also about 2 million fans on his on Instagram. Korporate is the father of 3 wonderful daughters, Brazil, Iceland, and Milan.

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