How old is LeAnn Rimes?

LeAnn Rimes was born on 28 August 1982.
LeAnn Rimes is 42 years old.

How old is LeAnn Rimes in days now?

LeAnn Rimes is 42 years 5 months 12 days old.
Total 15,506 days old now.

When is the next birthday of LeAnn Rimes?

LeAnn Rimes's next birthday is in 6 months 19 days.

What is the zodiac sign of LeAnn Rimes?

Zodiac sign of LeAnn Rimes is Virgo.

LeAnn Rimes is a famous actress and singer known for a variety of music styles that she can sing and perform. She was born Margaret LeAnn Rimes in 1982 in Mississippi and spent her childhood in Texas. She began revealing her amazing natural talents for acting and singing at a very age, and her parents were extremely supportive to making their daughter a stage star. She became known as a child and her debut album came out when she was 9 years old. So far she has released 18 albums with the songs of different styles, from pop and country music to gospels and Christian music. Since the beginning of her professional career in the mid 1990, about 40 of her singles have become known internationally and she has sold over 48 million records. She has also appeared in some movies as an actress and delivered a great performance. Her roles in such movies as "Days of Our Lives", "Northern Lights", "Good Intentions", "Anger Management", "It's Christmas Eve" are notable. LeAnn Rimes is also an author and has written 4 books which became bestsellers. She was married to an actor Dean Sheremet, and now she is married to another American actor Eddie Cibrian.

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