How old is Lil Boosie?
Lil Boosie was born on 14 November 1982.
Lil Boosie is 42 years old.
How old is Lil Boosie in days now?
Lil Boosie is 42 years 2 months 24 days old.
Total 15,426 days old now.
When is the next birthday of Lil Boosie?
Lil Boosie's next birthday is in 9 months 7 days.
What is the zodiac sign of Lil Boosie?
Zodiac sign of Lil Boosie is Scorpio.
A cool hip hop singer known as Lil Boosie or Boosie Badass is among those hip hop stars who has invented and developed his personal style based on the famous gangsta rap. Born Torrence Ive Hatch Jr in 1982, he grew up in Baton Rouge and was brought up by his mum who worked as a school principal in those times. His teen ages were spent in constant troubles and problems with the law. Hatch started rapping and thinking about a career as a singer in the late 1990s when he became a member of a band named Concentration Camp. In the early 2000s he started his solo career by releasing his first studio album which was a great success. So far, as for the late 2023, he has released 13 studio albums and the latest of those came out earlier this year. He also tried himself as an actor and appeared in a few documentaries, mainly dedicated to hip hop music. In the 2010s he began writing hits and developing what is called southern rap, and he released a number of really successful collaborative hits. Lil Boosie is notorious for his numerous criminal records which include a wide variety of crimes.