How old is Lizzo?

Lizzo was born on 27 April 1988.
Lizzo is 36 years old.

How old is Lizzo in days now?

Lizzo is 36 years 6 days old.
Total 13,155 days old now.

When is the next birthday of Lizzo?

Lizzo's next birthday is in 11 months 24 days.

What is the zodiac sign of Lizzo?

Zodiac sign of Lizzo is Taurus.

Lizzo is an American rapper, flutist, songwriter, and musician, popular for her unforgettable image and interesting musical stuff. Born Melissa Vivien Jefferson in 1988 in Detroit, she grew up mainly in Texas where she started getting interested in rap music and began rapping herself. She has got the nickname Lizzo taking source from the name of a popular hit of Jay-Z. In the early 2010s, she moved to Minneapolis where she signed up with a recording company and recorded her first studio album, which came out in 2013. It attracted public attention and was mentioned in some serious musical editions. The next album of Lizzo titled Big Grrrl Small World had a few hits which have been played worldwide. Her third studio album had two incredible hits, "Tempo" and "Juice" which became viral and found their place among the year's most popular hits online. Lizzo also takes part in creating some animated films and gave voice to a few characters. In 2019 she was named the Entertainer of the Year.

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