How old is Mingi?

Mingi was born on 9 August 1999.
Mingi is 25 years old.

How old is Mingi in days now?

Mingi is 25 years 6 months 26 days old.
Total 9,342 days old now.

When is the next birthday of Mingi?

Mingi's next birthday is in 5 months 2 days.

What is the zodiac sign of Mingi?

Zodiac sign of Mingi is Leo.

One of the members of a Koran pop group ATEEZ, Mingi is a rapper, songwriter, and dancer originating from South Korea. He was born Song Min Di in 1999 and as a teenager he spent s few years as a trainee with Seungri's Dance Academy and KQ Entertainment. In the late 2010s he started his professional career path and joined the group ATEEZ in 2018, becoming one of the lead singers of the group. Together with the group he won a number of awards and took part in plenty of performances and various projects. In the early 2020s he had a small break with the group because of personal issues but shortly after he returned on stage and started making his fans happy with his great songs. Mingi loves meat and hates vegetables. He also loves orange juice and even has a song about it. In his free time he loves going to the sauna.

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