How old is Nicole Scherzinger?

Nicole Scherzinger was born on 29 June 1978.
Nicole Scherzinger is 46 years old.

How old is Nicole Scherzinger in days now?

Nicole Scherzinger is 46 years 7 months 20 days old.
Total 17,036 days old now.

When is the next birthday of Nicole Scherzinger?

Nicole Scherzinger's next birthday is in 4 months 11 days.

What is the zodiac sign of Nicole Scherzinger?

Zodiac sign of Nicole Scherzinger is Cancer.

Nicole Scherzinger is an American pop singer and songwriter, dancer, entertainer, and television personality. She was born in 1978 in Hawaii, to the family of Philippine and Ukrainian origins, but he spent her childhood in Kentucky where her mom moved after remarrying. Nicole had a very good relationship with her step-father and step-family. She started performing as a singer in her high school times and later on dropped out of the university to pursue her career in music. She sang with a few bands and ended up a member of all-girl band The Pussycat Dolls which used to be really famous worldwide and recorded a few hits like React, Don't Cha, Buttons, and others. After leaving the band in the early 2010s Scherzinger became a rather TV personality. She took part in plenty of popular TV shows like The X Factor, Dancing With The Stars, appeared in many musicals, tried herself in acting by joining the cast of such movies like Men In Black 3, Moana, Dirty Dancing 3, and so on. Nicole Scherzinger is a popular public and social media personality in the US. Despite her being very attractive and dating plenty of men, she still remains not married.

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