How old is NLE Choppa?
NLE Choppa was born on 1 November 2002.
NLE Choppa is 22 years old.
How old is NLE Choppa in days now?
NLE Choppa is 22 years 4 months 6 days old.
Total 8,162 days old now.
When is the next birthday of NLE Choppa?
NLE Choppa's next birthday is in 7 months 25 days.
What is the zodiac sign of NLE Choppa?
Zodiac sign of NLE Choppa is Scorpio.
NLE Choppa is a young American rapper and musician known for his early hits and interesting musical style. Born Bryson Lashun Potts in 2002 in Tennessee, he has Jamaican origins. In his early teen ages, he loved basketball and used to take part in the activities of his school team. He also started trying himself as a free-styling rapper and suddenly discovered that he is very good at that. His mom supported him greatly and even became his personal manager. Bryson took the name of NLE Choppa where NLE stands for No Love Entertainment. He recorded his first mixtape named No Love the Takeover and released his first popular single "Shotta Flow" which peaked 26 in the hip hop section of Billboard. The sequel of this song also attracted a lot of attention and reached the Billboard chart. NLE Choppa is a very active YouTuber and his songs are extremely popular among his young fans. In 2020 he became the father of a lovely girl named Clover with his long time girlfriend known as Gorgeeousss on Instagram. They welcomed their second child in the late 2023.