How old is Polo G?
Polo G was born on 6 January 1999.
Polo G is 26 years old.
How old is Polo G in days now?
Polo G is 26 years 1 month 3 days old.
Total 9,531 days old now.
When is the next birthday of Polo G?
Polo G's next birthday is in 10 months 28 days.
What is the zodiac sign of Polo G?
Zodiac sign of Polo G is Capricorn.
Polo G is a young rapper and hip hop star who is known for his hits and unique musical style. Born Taurus Tremani Bartlett in 1999 in Chicago, he spent his childhood alongside his siblings, family and friends. He started rapping in his early teen ages but at first he wasn't dreaming about making a career in music. However, when he was 19 years old he signed up with a recording company and released his first single "Finer Things". The next year he gained more popularity with his singles "Pop Out" and "Deep Wounds", which managed to reach Billboard charts. In 2019 his first studio album came in, followed by his second studio album coming out the next year. The album titled The Goat included a few hits like "Go Stupid", "Martin and Gina", and others. Polo G often collaborates with other rappers and musicians like Lil Poppa, Calboy, Quando Rondo, Lil Gotit, and others.