How old is Rico Nasty?
Rico Nasty was born on 7 May 1997.
Rico Nasty is 27 years old.
How old is Rico Nasty in days now?
Rico Nasty is 27 years 8 months 30 days old.
Total 10,137 days old now.
When is the next birthday of Rico Nasty?
Rico Nasty's next birthday is in 3 months 1 day.
What is the zodiac sign of Rico Nasty?
Zodiac sign of Rico Nasty is Taurus.
A cool and lovely hip hop singer, Rico Nasty is a newly rising star famous for a few of her hits like "Hey Arnold" or "Poppin". Born Maria-Cecilia Simone Kelly in 1997 in Maryland, she spent her childhood alongside her parents of African and Puerto-Rican origins. Her father is also a rapper and he became the main inspiration for the young girl. Later on her parents got divorced and he mum sent her to a boarding school where Maris-Cecilia started singing and free-styling. Her first mixtape was recorded in the mid 2010s followed immediately by the second and the third one. Her fourth mixtape titled Sugar Trap 2 which included a few hits like "Poppin", "White" and others. Till the end of the decade Rico Nasty continued recording new songs, and one of her most famous hits "Hey Arnold" was recorded in collaborating with a star Lil Yachty. In the late 2021, her first studio album titled Ricos Archives came out, and it received great critics. Recently she has been taking part in a large number of stage performances and tours around the country.