How old is Ringo Starr?

Ringo Starr was born on 7 July 1940.
Ringo Starr is 84 years old.

How old is Ringo Starr in days now?

Ringo Starr is 84 years 7 months 4 days old.
Total 30,900 days old now.

When is the next birthday of Ringo Starr?

Ringo Starr's next birthday is in 4 months 26 days.

What is the zodiac sign of Ringo Starr?

Zodiac sign of Ringo Starr is Cancer.

Ringo Starr (Sir Richard Starkey) is a drummer, songwriter, singer, and actor, who rose to fame as a drummer of legendary The Beatles. Born in 1940 in one of the poor districts of Liverpool, Starkey started getting interesting in music in his teen ages, and the drums seemed to be the easiest instrument to him to master. He met John Lennon, George Harrison and Paul McCartney in 1962 and became the last member to join The Beatles in its legendary set. The band first became popular in the UK, and in the mid-1960s the Beatlemania spread around the world. Ringo wrote and sang a few songs like "Yellow Submarine" or "A Little Help of My Friends", for various albums of the band. After the band got split in the 1970s, Starr decided to continue his career as a singer, assembled a band and recorded a few pretty good albums, including Ringo, Time Takes Time, Stop and Smell the Roses, Ringo Rama, Y Not, etc. He tried himself in cinema by appearing in some movies like Caveman (with Dennis Quaid and Barbara Bach), or That'll Be the Day, as well as writing a few books, published in the 2000s. During his over 50 years long career, he collaborated with an incredible number of singers and musicians. He is an MBE, a Knight Bachelor, and has plenty of serious awards in the world of music, including an Academy Award for the movie Let It Be, etc. Ringo is married for the second time and has 3 children, including a son, Zack, who is also a drummer. Together with his wife Barbara Bach, they have been promoting vegetarianism for decades.

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