How old is RM?
RM was born on 12 September 1994.
RM is 30 years old.
How old is RM in days now?
RM is 30 years 5 months 1 day old.
Total 11,112 days old now.
When is the next birthday of RM?
RM's next birthday is in 6 months 30 days.
What is the zodiac sign of RM?
Zodiac sign of RM is Virgo.
RM (Rap Monster) is a famous South Korean rapper, musician, songwriter, and producer, known best of all as a member of BTS band aka The Bangtan Boys. He was born as Kim Nam-Joon in a small town in South Korea and grew up there alongside his younger sister. In his childhood he learned English quite fast by watching TV series Friends, but music and singing was his real passion. In his early teen ages, he began listening to Eminem and other American rappers, as well as started writing his own songs. It is interesting that in school he was a very good student and scored highly in his university entrance exam. His parents were not supportive of his musical interests as they expected him to pursue a successful academic career. However in the late 2000s, RM started performing in the local hip hop circles, so he was the only really successful singer before joining BTS. In 2013 he stood in line with Jungkook, Jin, V, Suga, J-Hope, and Jimin. RM is considered to be the leader of the so-called rap-section of the group and has taken part in all the projects of the group. RM was among the first to start his solo career and has recorded two mixtapes and a few great singles. He often collaborates with his bandmates and other known rappers in various TV and music projects. RM is included in the list of 10 most prominent Korean rappers of all times and is a highly respected musician in his country.