How old is Ronnie Radke?

Ronnie Radke was born on 15 December 1983.
Ronnie Radke is 41 years old.

How old is Ronnie Radke in days now?

Ronnie Radke is 41 years 1 month 25 days old.
Total 15,032 days old now.

When is the next birthday of Ronnie Radke?

Ronnie Radke's next birthday is in 10 months 6 days.

What is the zodiac sign of Ronnie Radke?

Zodiac sign of Ronnie Radke is Sagittarius.

Ronnie Radke is known as the frontman of the bands Escape the Fate and Falling In Reverse, as well as a musician, songwriter, rapper, and producer. He was born in 1983 in Nevada and grew up there alongside his two brothers. He learned to play guitar and piano at quite a young age and began composing his first songs in his early teen ages. During his high school years, he established a few bands and kept on making music as an amateur until 2001 when his hit "Listen Up!" attracted the attention of the local music producers. In 2004 Ronnie became a member of Escape the Fate and played with the band for 4 years, as well as released a studio album with the band. In 2008 Radke formed another band named Falling In Reverse which has been playing a mixture of heavy metal, pop-punk, rap, and electronic rock. They have recorded 4 studio albums so far and have millions of fans. Since 2013 Ronnie Radke has been involved in several solo projects, as well as released a mixtape and a few hits as a rapper. In 2013 Ronnie had to live through the loss of his elder brother Tony and ever since has been helping his family and 5 children of Tony's. In 2022 his memoir book came out.

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