How old is Bernie Sanders?
Bernie Sanders was born on 8 September 1941.
Bernie Sanders is 83 years old.
How old is Bernie Sanders in days now?
Bernie Sanders is 83 years 5 months 3 days old.
Total 30,472 days old now.
When is the next birthday of Bernie Sanders?
Bernie Sanders's next birthday is in 6 months 28 days.
What is the zodiac sign of Bernie Sanders?
Zodiac sign of Bernie Sanders is Virgo.
Bernie Sanders is one of the key political personalities of the current American history, a Senator, and a representative of the Democratic Party. Born in 1941 in Brooklyn, NYC, and grew up in the family of Jewish immigrants. He studied political science and arts at the University of Chicago and graduated in the mid-1960s. He started his political career in the state of Vermont and during the 1970s was an active member of the Liberty Union Party. In 1981 he won the chair of the Mayor of Burlington and after serving three terms Sanders moved on with becoming a member of the US House of Representatives. In the first decade of the current century, he became the Member of the US Senate and has been subsequently re-elected as a representative from Vermont. Sanders took part in the Presidential campaign of 2016 but lost the primaries to Hillary Clinton with quite a small difference. He announced taking part in the Presidential elections of 2020 as well, as one of the candidates from the Democratic Party. Bernie Sanders is considered to be among the most progressive and open-minded politicians, supporting globalization, international relationships, and social equality.
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